1:00 PM Competitive Pairs

New this year - the Wednesday daytime competitive pairs league is open to all members of all skill levels.  The sign up sheet for the league will be posted at the club on Thursday May 25th with the first round of play being on Wednesday June 7th at 1:00 PM. 

This league will run on Wednesdays for a total of 15 weeks and is being convened by Angus Carten. 

The format for the pairs league will be 2 lead bowls, 2 skip bowls, 2 lead bowls, 2 skip bowls. 

Please note this is a competitive league and all players must follow the rules of competitive play.  Members can sign up  as a team of 2 players or as singles to be put on a team by the convener. 

This league will have a maximum of 16 teams. 

June 21, 2017 at 1:00pm - 4pm
Angus Carten ·