Wednesday Afternoon Competitive Pairs League Is Back!
This year there will be two sessions of 6 weeks each.
Session 1: Begins June 6 – (6 weeks); Even number of teams required
Session 2: Begins July 18 (if none of the session 1 games are rained out) – 6 weeks
Entry fee – $5 per person/session (all money for prizes)
- Start time 1:15 p.m.
- 14-end games; players cannot change position during game.
- Burnt-ends: jack re-spotted at 2 metre mark (centred); if space occupied, jack placed in front of that bowl.
- One spare per team/game allowed; no makeup games; 2 points for a win, 1 for a tie;
- First tie-breaker – record against each other, Second tie-breaker – number of wins.
All members welcome!
Signup sheets at the clubhouse OR email John Sinclair: [email protected]
June 20, 2018 at 1:15pm - 4:15pm